Most fine filtration is measured in microns Micrometer (micron) is a metric unit of measurement denoting one millionth of a meter. To give you some idea of how fine a micron is, consider that the smallest particle visible to the unaided human eye is about forty microns (you can see smaller particles […]

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There are a few rules to remember when sizing a filtration system: With in-depth cartridge filters, the slower the flow, the more efficient the cartridge is and the longer the user can go between change-outs. At, we typically size housings to start out with a clean differential pressure of two pounds or less. You […]

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  Particles to be filtered usually fall into one of two categories:     1.Non-deformable particles that under normal conditions (temperatures) do not deform. In some instances, non-deformable particles can become deformable with a temperature or chemistry change—an example of this would is a particle of resin, which at ambient temperatures may be solid, but […]

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There are a few rules to remember when sizing a filtration system:  With in-depth cartridge filters, the slower the flow, the more efficient the cartridge is and the longer the user can go between change-outs. At, we typically size housings to start out with a clean differential pressure of two pounds or less. You […]

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